Plant Based Living

Planetary Health starts with

You want to be healthy. You want to eat clean food, breathe clean air, and get the proper nutrients to feel good physically and mentally. In order to live a healthy life, you must (WE must) become aware of our relationship to the Earth, the sun, the air…and recognize it is our responsibility (yours + mine) to care for the planet.

When you participate in small, daily activities that align with your (and “our”  humanity’s) responsibility to care for the Earth, you’ll:
• Feel better, healthier, and more capable in ALL ways
• Look outward to find ways to be of service to others
• Live a life of meaningful services

Because really, isn’t that what life is all about? Being in meaningful service? Caring for others?

Let’s work together, with all the other environmental groups and organizations, to create a better Earth for ourselves and for all future generations. So, ALL can experience and live a healthy life here on Earth.

"The way we show up for our lives today and tomorrow has an enormous effect on who we’ll be and what we’ll be experiencing years from now.”
 ~Madisyn Taylor~

you wanna make something epic, don't you?

Etsy sriracha williamsburg thundercats literally vinyl selfies distillery squid humblebrag. Glossier church-key subway tile squid, artisan pop-up pok pok letterpress disrupt dreamcatcher tacos edison bulb.

let's work together