Plant Based Living


 Transforming your life one bite at a time!
Your path to personal &
planetary health.

Plant Based Living

Never question what to eat for your health again!

Through functional nutrition education, wellness practices, and health coaching, we’ll teach you what to eat to help reduce anxiety & stress, help your body heal any health concern, and ease worrying thoughts about your future health.

You’ll learn why eating a more plant-based diet heals the body with Dr. Smith, receive access to wellness practices such as yoga, meditation and breathwork with Sonja, and have the opportunity to sign-up for additional accountability with one-on-one health coaching sessions!

• Spent months or years thinking about your health and ways to improve it?
• Watched the health of those you love decline or deteriorate in front of your eyes?
• Recently been diagnosed with a medical condition or had a health scare?
• Are you worried about your future, your health & the quality of your life as you continue to age?

Can you relate

Have You...

Do You...

• Want to make changes to your health but don’t know where to start?
• Feel overwhelmed trying to decide what diet to follow, if you should fast, or if the new fad diet is the answer?

If you’ve been struggling to identify where to start or what
 to do to better for your health, we’re here to help!

 Why We Are Here For You

With 45+ years in practice, Dr. Smith fulfills his purpose and devotes his career to helping people regain their health and their lives. As a licensed Chiropractic Neurologist, Dr. Smith has specialized training in chiropractic care and neurology; and, he continues to study the fields of chiropractic, neurology, nutrition, functional medicine, and immunology.
Sonja, Dr. Smith’s wife and partner in Plant Based Living, is also well-versed in nutrition. She is a graduate of the Health Coaching program at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. In addition to understanding how food impacts the body, Sonja deeply understands the body-mind-spirit connection as she’s been practicing (and teaching!) yoga and mindfulness for over 40 years.
Together, We are on a mission to help YOU heal your body, create the life you desire, and help you serve your highest good for yourself, others, and the planet.

Why plant based living is essential

  • Chronic disease is the leading cause of death and disability worldwide (75% of all deaths)
  • Over 60% of all U.S. adults suffer with one or more chronic conditions and/or diseases.
  • All chronic illnesses of any type have one thing in common: inflammation.
  • Diet driven inflammation is the leading cause of death and disability, pain and suffering.
  • Diet related chronic illness may be reduced, prevented, or delayed with easy and simple improved dietary and lifestyle upgrades.

Read our blog to learn more about the health benefits of plant-based eating!

Take time for your wellbeing by visiting our YouTube page where Sonja will guide you through meditation practices, yoga flows, and breathwork!

Discover your next favorite meal by exploring our recipes!

Learn more about our health coaching offer and schedule your FREE phone consultation today!

Take Your Next  Step


Health coaching

